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05-08-2024 - Filmmaker Interviews

Sony BURANO: Feedback from the field

By: SonyCine Team

Filmmaker Alyssa Brocato put the Sony BURANO to the test on a recent documentary shoot and gave us her thoughts on how the camera performed.

"Upon choosing our location for this documentary project with the Google Research Series team, director @LindseySavino and I knew that we would be wanting a full frame camera with an incredible dynamic range, considering the size of rooms, number of windows, and amount of natural light already present. We chose the #sonyburano (and were lucky enough to get two from @eastsidecamera and @bryantfisherdp) because of its 16 stops of dynamic range, and lightweight profile - really ideal for our branded documentary setup." 

She continues, "I was confident that I could move quickly within our multi-floor location with the intuitive menu system, built-in NDs, and compact size of the Burano, and it was a sharp, perfect pairing for our creamy, softer @angenieux full frame EZ zooms to deliver a beautiful look filming our project contributors. We shot in 6K mode XOCN LT, and the ability to shoot full frame in such a compact and lightweight setup was very valuable for achieving a feeling of depth in our rooms.

I was most curious about testing the dual base ISO at 3200 and rated our cameras there to protect for all of the windows in frame, then ND'd down to our T-stop. We were all so happy with how the image looked, even at that high of an ISO - super clean all around. I've worked with #sonyvenice and #sonyvenice2 a lot at this point, and was stoked at how close the 6K Burano image could come to the 6K Venice 2. Many folks on set commented on the how nice a variety of skin tone looked on the Burano, as well. 

Overall, we and the team were very happy with the way the project turned out and are looking forward to the next project with this small powerful camera!"

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